XXIII International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO 2015

The 23rd edition of International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO 2015 was held in Kielce from 1st to 4th September 2015. OBR CTM S.A. , a part of the Polish Armament Group, once again took part in the event. Within the exposition presenting potential of The Polish Armament Group in the area of realization of the programs included in the “Technical modernization plan of the SZ PR for 2013-2022”, OBR CTM S.A. introduced its solutions, competences and technical possibilities in the realization of the projects, being part of programs such as: “Fighting the threats on the sea ” and “Anti-aircraft Defense Systems”.


Within the “Fighting the threats on the sea” program, there were introduced solutions of the OBR CTM S.A., which actively participates in the above mentioned program for two years already, through building of the modern mine hunter “KORMORAN 2”. The offer of OBR CTM S.A. includes solutions in range of: command and control systems, passive defense systems, underwater weapon systems as well as critical maritime infrastructure protection system.


OBR CTM S.A. also introduced solutions within the “Anti-aircraft Defense Systems” program in range of radio communication and data exchange systems.

Successful tests of mine detection and disposal systems on Gdansk Bay waters

From 24th of August to 18th of September 2015, in the laboratories of Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (OBR CTM S.A.) in Gdynia and on Gdansk Bay waters, were carried out international trials of mine detection and neutralization systems. The above mentioned systems were developed within the „Buried Mines (BURMIN)” project in range of “European Unmanned Maritime Systems for Mine Counter Measures and other naval applications (UMS)” of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Program, by a consortium composed of: France (Thales) as a Leader, Belgium (RMA), The Netherlands (TNO), Germany (WTD-71, Atlas Elektronik, Fraunhofer, IPHT) and Poland (OBR CTM S.A.). The aim of the „BURMIN” project is to eliminate technological gaps in the area of detection and neutralization of bottom and buried mines as well as working out common standards for the future unmanned systems, by performing these tasks.

„Burmin contract presented a very good opportunity to share efforts and to test a various set of  technologies (magnetic, acoustic, chemical, etc) in a common framework under the European Defense Agency umbrella. OBR CTM S.A. brought in to the project a significant intellectual contribution through preparation of the sensor platform, stabilized  in relation to the sea bottom,  as well as proved organizational efficiency as the host nation” – said Mr. Paul Penven (THALES, industrial leader) and was confirmed by Mr Alain Michaud (DGA, Program Management Group leader) and the other representatives from consortium.

Poland, as the host of the sea trials, represented by OBR CTM S.A., in agreement with THALES FRANCE – the leader of the project, for its completion organized the so called „VIP Day”. During the meeting there was a multimedia presentation on mine detection and neutralization systems, developed within the BURMIN Project, including preliminary results of performed sea trials as well as live presentations on selected systems.

„In consistent evaluation of the project leader and co-ordinator of the trials, designated aims such as checking in practice newest hydroacoustic and magnetic technologies in range of bottom and buried mines detection and classification systems and also its neutralization by SEAFOX vehicle or modernized, wireless fired charges TOCZEK M, developed by OBR CTM S.A., transported by the underwater vehicle SEA OTTER, were achieved” – said Mr. Jan Tadeusz Dobkowski Ph.D., Director-Research & Development Department, the project co-ordinator on the Polish side.

It was possible to achieve such good results due to efficient cooperation during the realization of the project and while carrying out the tests.

“Team CTM” takes part in the 11th Midsummer Night Run


Several CTM employees participated in the 11th Midsummer Night Run, organized in Gdynia in the night between the 19th and 20th of June 2015. The ten kilometer race was another sports event, which was attended by CTM’s employees.

Participation of representatives of OBR CTM S.A. in the international conference on Undersea Defence Technology 2015

Scientists from our Institute represented CTM at the Undersea Defence Technology Conference (UDT) 2015. The Conference took place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, on June, 3-5, 2015. During the Conference CTM’s Director of Research and Development – JT Dobkowski – chaired the underwater weapons and autonomous platforms session, while our other CTM representative – Paweł Polański gave a presentation about unmanned systems for disposal of sea mines.

Seminar entitled “Intelligent Systems in economy protection”, as a part of the „Five elements. Freedom-information-safety” programme

On 20th -21st of May 2015 OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. together with the Mikromakro Institute and the Polish Naval Academy, co-organized the seminar entitled “Intelligent Systems in economy protection”, as a part of the „Five elements. Freedom-information-safety” programme.

The role of hosts during the aforementioned event was held by: dr inż. Andrzej Kilian – President of the Board-Managing Director of OBR CTM S.A., kmdr prof dr. hab. Tomasz Szubrycht – Rector-Commander of AMW and Sławomir Kosieliński – President of the Board of Institute Mikromakro Foundation. The participation of CTM SA in the production of intelligent systems for the protection of the economy was presented by dr inż. Ryszard Rugałą, during his speech  “Maritime infrastructure protection systems – directions of research and implementation, market trends”.

CTM’s representative chaired over a session during the MAST Conference in Yokohama

CTM’s representative – Director of Research and Development – dr. inż. Jan Tadeusz Dobkowski, participated, on behalf of OBR CTM S.A. in the scientific conference MAST. The conference took place on May, 13-15, 2015 in Yokohama, Japan. As a member of the Technical Committee of the Conference, the Director chaired the session on maritime safety and gave as well a presentation concerning OBR CTM’s critical infrastructure protection system.

Modular Lightweight Minesweep (MLM) awarded for the third time

During the International Economic Forum Gdynia 2014, Association of Polish Maritime Industries awarded the “Innovative Maritime Economy” prize, in the innovative product category, to OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. for developing the Modular Lightweight Minesweep (MLM), as a significant contribution to development of modern unmanned mine countermeasure systems.

This year, the prizes were granted in five categories with the object of honouring achievements of companies, persons and undertakings of the maritime industry. As the trojmiasto.pl portal informed “The form of statuette resembles that the same as competent polishing of diamond creates the brilliant of enormous value, as thanks to implemented innovations the company becomes competing, builds its majority and increases the market value”.

It is worth to notice, that Modular Lightweight Minesweep (MLM) developed by OBR CTM S.A. in Gdynia in less than four months was awarded three times. After the “Amber Medallion” award and distinction of the National Defence Ministry, the minesweep received on 10th October 2014 the prize mentioned above.

The MLM is a significant intellectual contribution of Poland to development of modern unmanned systems of mine fighting threats. It is very possible that it will be implemented in the NATO naval forces. The Modular Lightweight Minesweep was created on the base of influence magneto-acoustic sweep “Promienica”, produced for the Polish Navy.

The MLM is used to fight modern naval mines with an ability of identification of the determined type of ship, basing on the measurement of generated physical fields. The minesweep reconstructing fields characteristics, precisely simulates the virtual image of protected ship. This kind of image is created by the following fields: magneto-static, magnetic alternate, electric static, electric alternate and acoustic. The minesweep consists of set of basic inductors connected by cable-lines and control and feeding deck devices.

The process of developing optimum parameters of work (Program “OPTYMA Mod.”) and guidance and control of minesweep work was automated to degree, which allows its fully and easy use from the level of  guidance-control deck interface. The interface software contains all options of entering, appointing and control of characteristic parameters of mine countermeasure actions, including automatic appointing the width of minesweep zones in different depths. The MLM is intended to be used during maritime operations such as: moving the vessels through endangered basin, creating passages to ports, planned routes out of passage etc. Works on the mentioned above system go from 2012 and are realized by the consortium with the participation of Norway, France, Germany, Italy and Poland in range of the “Modular Lightweight Minesweeping” project, being a part of the “UMS European Defence Agency (Ed’s UMS)” programme. Within the project, OBR CTM S.A. drawed up and build a demonstrator of the technology of the autonomous acoustic-electromagnetic mine fighting system. This year, the demonstrator was tested on military training grounds of the French Navy in Brest, getting very good results. Implementation of  such an unmanned system gives new chance to the Polish Navy to acquire the effective, safe mine countermeasure on the shallow waters typical for the South Baltic, where using mine countermeasure ships makes a great threat to them from the side of mine countermeasure weapon.