On 20th -21st of May 2015 OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. together with the Mikromakro Institute and the Polish Naval Academy, co-organized the seminar entitled “Intelligent Systems in economy protection”, as a part of the „Five elements. Freedom-information-safety” programme.
The role of hosts during the aforementioned event was held by: dr inż. Andrzej Kilian – President of the Board-Managing Director of OBR CTM S.A., kmdr prof dr. hab. Tomasz Szubrycht – Rector-Commander of AMW and Sławomir Kosieliński – President of the Board of Institute Mikromakro Foundation. The participation of CTM SA in the production of intelligent systems for the protection of the economy was presented by dr inż. Ryszard Rugałą, during his speech “Maritime infrastructure protection systems – directions of research and implementation, market trends”.