A visit of Postgraduate Military Study of the Foreign Service students

On April 16, 2019, at the headquarters of our company in Gdynia, a visit of students of the Postgraduate Military Study of the Foreign Service students took place. The officers visiting our company had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the solutions developed by OBR CTM S.A. and research works carried out by the Center, related to military maritime technology and security and safety of the country. The program of the visit also included visiting modern manufacturing facilities and scientific and technical base, which are unique research laboratories of the Center.

Another prestigious award for the Ship Combat Management System SCOT

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum  Techniki Morskiej S.A. (OBR CTM S.A.) for the development of the Ship Combat Management System “SCOT” was awarded three times during the last year. After receiving the “Amber Medallion” prize at the “Balt Military Expo” Fair in June 2018 and obtaining the “Award of the President of the Republic of Poland” in September 2018 during MSPO in Kielce, OBR CTM was awarded again. During the 25th anniversary of the Association of Polish Maritime Industries gala, the Management Board of the Gdynia Company collected the “Innovative Maritime Economy 2018” award in the category of “Innovative Ship Combat Systems”.

The first Polish Ship’s Combat Management System SCOT is a universal system and it’s a basis for Ship’s Integrated Mission Systems. Its main function is integration of ship’s combat subsystems, starting from countering surface, underwater and air targets as well as asymmetric threats. At the same time, the system integrates technical observation, communication subsystems and data obtained from the integrated navigation subsystem. The system supports decision-making of the commander in range of effective use of all ship’s sensors and effectors and enables planning of tasks (missions) and their monitoring at every stage of implementation.


Active participation of CTM representatives in the “Polish-Swedish Naval Technology Forum”

On January 16-17, 2019, the „Polish-Swedish Naval Technology Forum” was held at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The aim of the two-day event was to create a platform for knowledge and experiences exchange between Polish and Swedish academic and research centers, research and development centers as well as entities and institutions involved in research projects in the field of marine technologies. In the Forum participated representatives of the Ministry of National Defense, the Navy Inspectorate, the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, the Swedish Royal Navy, the Swedish Defense University (SEDU), the University of Lund, Saab Kockums, OBR CTM S.A., the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Maritime Center for Military Technology, the National Center for Research and Development, the Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI and many other institutions and entities involved in research and development and commercialization projects. During the forum, the President of the Board of OBR CTM S.A., Andrzej Kilian Ph.D., actively participated in the expert panel on innovation in the defense sector, while another representative of the Center gave a presentation on the development of ship integrated mission systems.

Photo: Krzysztof Miłosz

The kick-off meeting of the “Human Factor” work package, implemented within the Ocean 2020 project

On 7 and 8 November 2018, at Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. in Gdynia, Poland, the kick-off meeting of one of the so-called work packages, functioning under the name “Human Factor”, took place. The aforementioned package is being implemented within the Ocean 2020 project, which main objective is to develop the potential of unmanned air, surface and underwater platforms in the area of conducting the exploration and surveillance of sea basins.

The kick-off meeting of the “Human Factor” work package was attended not only by specialists from CTM, but also by representatives of institutions and companies representing eight countries. “Human Factor” is aimed at developing solutions in the field of task analysis, operator interface design, tools design and analysis of training needs, which will be available to the widespread use in the near future.

The ceremony of the first metal sheet cutting for Kormoran-class MCMV ”Albatros” 18.09.2018

On September 18, 2018 in Remontowa Shipbuliding S.A. shipyard in Gdańsk the first sheets of metal were cut, to begin the construction works for the second 258 project Kormoran-class MCMV, “Albatros”, which is the first of the milestones. It is another of the minehunters, which involves Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. in the construction works. The first of them – ORP “Kormoran”, was delivered to the Polish Navy at the end of 2017 by a consortium led by Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. and OBR CTM S.A. based in Gdynia. The construction of “Albatros” is the result of an agreement signed between the Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defence and the Consortium consisting of Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. (the leader) and OBR CTM S.A. and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna S.A., which are members of the Polish Armaments Group.

CTM, within the aforementioned Consortium, is responsible for the integration of the Combat Management System. Additionally, CTM develops and delivers the Integrated Combat System, including Ship Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defence System, Underwater Monitoring System, including SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars and explosive charges “Toczek” to countermeasure sea mines.

OBR CTM S.A. with the most prestigious award of MSPO 2018, 07.09.2018

On the fourth day of the International Defence Industry Exhibition in Kielce (MSPO), Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. received the Award of the President of the Republic of Poland for developing the first Polish ship Combat Management System “SCOT”. The award of the President of the Republic of Poland for the product that best serves raising the level of soldiers’ safety, from the hands of the advisor to the President Andrzej Duda, Ambassador Bogusław Winid, was collected by the President of the Management Board of OBR CTM S.A. Andrzej Kilian PhD. and the Vice President of the Management Board of OBR CTM S.A. Joanna Sztiller.

SCOT is the first Polish modern ship Combat Management System, which is a universal system designed for various classes of ships for the Polish Navy, including modern minehunters “Kormoran” type, as well as “Ratownik” rescue ship and others. It is also the “brain, heart and nervous system” of the ship. The basic function of the system is the integration of various ship’s subsystems, ranging from the air, surface and submarine countermeasures and asymmetric threats, to the technical observation, communication system or integrated navigation system in terms of ensuring the ship  safety, monitoring the current geographical location, the ship traffic parameters and distribution of the tactical situation image. The system supports the combat activities carried out by the crew in the effective use of all sensors and effectors operating on the ship. In addition, it supports task (mission) planning, decision-making processes and allows monitoring and reporting. It is worth mentioning that the SCOT system is based on elements developed in CTM. Applied IT and organizational solutions allow, first of all, to reduce the risk of technical problems, shorten production time, reduce costs of the processes of developing and implementing system elements, as well as in the course of its long-term operation. SCOT is an open, scalable and flexible system, which allows the integration of new sensors and effectors, as well as the introduction of new functionalities. SCOT in the version dedicated to the minehunter was implemented on the prototype ship of the 258 project  “Kormoran”, built by the Polish Consortium, including CTM.

The agreement for “Mobile Radionavigation HF System SRN” signed

CTM will develop an innovative “Mobile Radionavigation HF System SRN” for the Polish Navy. The agreement was signed on 5 September 2018, during the MSPO 2018 Fair. It was concluded between the Armament Inspectorate (IU) representing the Ministry of National Defence (MON) and CTM, a part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ).


The agreement was signed by Chief of the Armament Inspectorate, Brig. General Dariusz Pluta, representing the Ministry of National Defence, and CTM: President of the Board Andrzej Kilian, PhD and Vice President of the Board Joanna Sztiller. The SRN will carry out the full range of tasks related to determination of position of Polish Navy vessels, especially in scope of marine measurements, marine rescue, search, identification of underwater objects, including mine-like objects. As part of the development work, a system of 3 radio-navigation chains on vehicles and 35 receivers will be acquired, in order to secure with necessary accuracy, determination of positions for PN vessels, performing combat and hydrographic tasks in the area of responsibility in the absence of positions from the satellite system.


„The innovation is a key factor not only for development of the entire economy but also of individual organisations, including companies such as Ośrodek Badawczo Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. The agreement signed just now is the next step in the development of widely understood marine technology and is an example of positive cooperation between business and Polish universities. It should be emphasized how important for the development of economy is implementation of the results of research and analysis. CTM, co-creator of KORMORAN II minehunter, by concluding today’s agreement, once again confirms its capabilities both to create and implement “innovations”. The contract will allow to obtain solutions with high technological advancement, mostly based on microprocessor techniques and software control. On the basis of navigation data by the newly developed system, navigation protection of Polish Navy vessels, approaches to ports, protection of mine actions in the PN Defense Zone and conducting specialist activities carried out by hydrographic services will be implemented. This will significantly improve the quality of hydrographic protection by the Naval Hydrographic Service. – stated the Head of the Ministry of National Defence, Brig. Dariusz Pluta.


As a result of implementation of the agreement, a successor to the “JEMIOŁUSZKA” system developed earlier in the CTM will be developed. It will be a system with much wider possibilities. It will implement the most modern technologies and solutions, developed together with scientists from the Gdańsk University of Technology – stressed President of the Board of OBR CTM S.A., Andrzej Kilian, PhD.


“The SRN project is an example that cooperation of innovative industry with universities may result in the implementation of innovative solutions, beneficial for both parties, in order to strengthen safety,” added Joanna Sztiller, Vice President of the Management Board of OBR CTM S.A.


President of Republic of Poland visiting CTM stand during MSPO 2018

During MSPO 2018 in Kielce, on its second day, the President of Republic of Poland, Head of the Armed Forces, Andrzej Duda, visited w few exhibition stands of the Polish Armaments Group companies. The exhibition stand of OBR CTM S.A. was one of the visited stands.

Visiting the stand of OBR CTM S.A., Mr. President got acquainted with the Centre’s original solutions in the area of military maritime technology. Among other exhibits, there was a model of the modern minehunter “Kormoran”, delivered at the end of 2017 with systems developed and delivered by OBR CTM S.A. for this class of ships such as: Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defense System and key sensors and effectors, were presented. Additionally, a three-dimensional multimedia presentation was presented, showing the ship’s tasks execution with the use of the above mentioned SCOT system. It is the first Polish universal ship’s Combat Management System, which is the basis for dedicated ship’s Integrated Mission System. SCOT is a uniform system platform designed for different classes of vessels. Its basic functions include integration of ship’s subsystems, sensors, effectors, mission planning and supporting decision-making processes.

During MSPO 2018 in Kielce, on its second day, the President of Republic of Poland, Head of the Armed Forces, Andrzej Duda, visited w few exhibition stands of the Polish Armaments Group companies. The exhibition stand of OBR CTM S.A. was one of the visited stands.

Visiting the stand of OBR CTM S.A., Mr. President got acquainted with the Centre’s original solutions in the area of military maritime technology. Among other exhibits, there was a model of the modern minehunter “Kormoran”, delivered at the end of 2017 with systems developed and delivered by OBR CTM S.A. for this class of ships such as: Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defense System and key sensors and effectors, were presented. Additionally, a three-dimensional multimedia presentation was presented, showing the ship’s tasks execution with the use of the above mentioned SCOT system. It is the first Polish universal ship’s Combat Management System, which is the basis for dedicated ship’s Integrated Mission System. SCOT is a uniform system platform designed for different classes of vessels. Its basic functions include integration of ship’s subsystems, sensors, effectors, mission planning and supporting decision-making processes.