Saab Receives Polish Order for Double Eagle SAROV –

Saab has received an order for deliveries of Double Eagle SAROV systems to be used for mine countermeasure (MCM) operations. The system will be delivered for the Polish Navy’s Kormoran II class MCM vessels being built by a Polish Consortium. Delivery of the systems is scheduled for 2021-2022.

The order was placed by a member of the Consortium,the Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A (OBR CTM S.A). The Double Eagle Semi Autonomous Remotely Operated Vehicle (SAROV) systems delivered by Saab will be integrated towards the “SCOT” Combat Management System developed by CTM and equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Polish Navy…


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Participation of representatives of OBR CTM S.A. in the Maritime Safety Congress

On February 11, 2020, representatives of OBR CTM S.A. participated in the Maritime Safety Congress, which was organized the National Security Bureau together with the Naval Academy. The undertaking was implemented, among others as part of the 100th anniversary of the Polish Marriage with the Baltic Sea, celebrated this year. During the Congress, among others, the importance of maritime economy for the sustainable development of Poland, the security of the Port of Gdynia in the era of infrastructure investments, technology transfer on the occasion of the modernization of the Polish Navy as well as offshore wind farms as a new maritime management plan in Poland were also raised. Navy tasks in peacetime as well as the needs and cooperation of the Polish naval forces were also discussed.


Common Endeavour – how to proceed with research and technology development (R&T) project

Let`s try to imagine 42 Partners from 15 countries gathered around the table to demonstrate and discuss about collaboration on the international defence programme. Moreover, let`s suppose that They were able to provide a coherent outcome and together decided to present one common vision regarding the certain, required solution. And finally, let`s just assume that Their proposition about expected solutions was rewarded by a formal approval from higher authorities. Actually, such a story is happening right now. Well, we are talking about the OCEAN2020 project, which full name is : Open Cooperation for European mAritime awarNess. Quite catchy acronym, isn`t it ? Let`s start to be serious for a while and try to answer for the vital questions regarding this very operation.

Read more–-how-to-proceed-with-research-and-technology-development-rt-project.html


Baptism and launching ceremony of the mine hunter “Albatros” and the keel ceremony for the mine hunter “Mewa”

On October 10, 2019 at Remontowa Shipbuliding S.A. shipyard in Gdańsk, the baptism and launching ceremony for the mine hunter “Albatros” and the placing of the keel ceremony for the mine hunter “Mewa” took place. Both ships are built by a consortium consisting of Remontowa Shipbuilding – leader, OBR CTM S.A. and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna S.A. “Albatros” and “Mewa” these are another two ships in a series of 258 project mine hunters, which will soon strengthen the potential of the Polish Navy. The first of them – ORP “Kormoran”, was delivered to the Polish Navy at the end of 2017. CTM, similarly to the construction of “Kormoran” as well as with these two ships is responsible for the integration of the Combat Management System. Additionally, CTM develops and delivers the Integrated Combat System, including Ship Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defence System, Underwater Monitoring System, including SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars and explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines “Toczek”.

A new underwater minesweep demonstrator arises at OBR CTM S.A.

On September 24-25, 2019, at the headquarters of the Research & Development Maritime Technology Centre (CTM), which is part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), was held a meeting of members of the international consortium, implementing the project entitled “Modular Lightweight Minesweeping II” (MLM II). In the project coordinated by the European Defence Agency (EDA), CTM is responsible for the development of the modular lightweight non-contact minesweep and the development of a new demonstrator of underwater non-contact minesweep for mine countermeasures.

 The two-day meeting held in Gdynia was aimed at presenting the results and the progress of work undertaken as part of the MLM II project. In addition, details of future sea trials during which the developed solutions will be tested were discussed. The event was attended by representatives of Norwegian institutions and companies: i.e. Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI) – leader, Thales Norway AS, Finnish: Patria Aviation and Finnish Naval Academy Research Centre (FNRC), the German WTD-71, meeting host – OBR CTM S.A. representing Poland and Inspectorate of Polish Navy. The main objective of the MLM II project, anticipates to lead the previously developed, modular mine countermeasures systems from the level of technology demonstrators to the level of prototypes, as well as the development and testing of new sources of physical fields. OBR CTM S.A. implemented two projects in the field of mine countermeasure in the previous years, i.e. ‘MLM’ and ‘Burmin’, as part of the above mentioned the program.

“Proactive elaboration and development of innovative solutions in the field of marine technologies, aimed at strengthening the Company’s position on the military market is one of the strategic goals of OBR CTM S.A. We are satisfied that these solutions are created within international consortia, bringing together leading European manufacturers of equipment in the field of defence and security” – explained the acting President of OBR CTM S.A. Marcin Wiśniewski.


Another european defense program on Poland’s target

During the International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce, representatives of Polish industry and science made the first joint step towards the implementation of another European project in the field of defense technology development. On September 4, 2019, representatives of OBR CTM S.A., WAT, WIŁ and KenBIT signed a Letter of Intent on cooperation aimed at implementation of the project entitled “Long Range Communications – Parallel use of HF and satellite communication to ensure reliable communication on land, in air and sea “, from European Defence Agency (EDA) .

The project implementation proposal was submitted by an international consortium, at the meeting of the so-called technology panel (CapTech), dedicated to radio communication and data exchange systems. It was organized by the Research and Technology Directorate of the European Defence Agency (EDA). The main goal of the project is to develop a reliable and flexible long range communication system in order to meet the requirements of today’s war operations, in the field of long-range radio communication, basing on the parallel use of data links, the so-called Beyond Line of Lights (BLOS) networks, such as short wave (HF) and satellite communication (Satcom). In the event of a failure or destruction, the system offers additional advantage, which is the ability to automatically replace satellite communication by HF communication, while maintaining its basic channels.

As part of the letter of intent signed today, its signatories declared that they will prepare all the documents necessary to join the project and to implement it. They also undertook to exchange experiences and information and organize joint meetings, conferences, workshops, etc. In addition, it was agreed that OBR CTM S.A. will coordinate the contacts between industry and international consortium.

“OBR CTM SA has been actively participating in the international programs cooperating with NATO and EDA for several years. Within those programs we have been implementing projects in the field of port security, mine warfare and unmanned maritime platforms. Now we have the opportunity to implement other proven Polish technologies, this time in the area of ​​ radio communication and data exchange”- said the acting President of the Management Board of OBR CTM S.A. Marcin Wiśniewski.

The “Kormoran II” minehunter among the highest export potential products of the Polish defense industry

On September 3, 2019, at the MSPO 2019 in Kielce, the Defense24 Group presented a report entitled “Security promoters – leading products of the Polish defense industry”. It contained a list of selected Polish highest export potential armament products. There was the “Kormoran II” minehunter among them, which was built by the Consortium, which included OBR CTM S.A. Our company under the construction of “Kormoran” ships is responsible for the integration of the Integrated Mission System. In addition, it is the manufacturer and supplier of the Integrated Combat System, including: Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defense System, Underwater Observation System (SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars) and explosives charges to countermeasures sea mines “Toczek”.

More information:

“First metal sheet cutting” for Kormoran-class MCMV “Mewa”

On June 19, 2019 at Remontowa Shipbuliding S.A. shipyard in Gdańsk, in order to begin the construction works for the third 258 project Kormoran-class MCMV, the first sheets of metal were cut. It is the first of the milestones beginning the process of building a ship that will be named “Mewa”. It is another of the minehunters, which involves CTM in the construction works. The first of them – ORP “Kormoran”, was delivered to the Polish Navy at the end of 2017 by a consortium of Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. (the leader) and OBR CTM S.A. based in Gdynia. The construction of “Mewa” is the result of an agreement signed between the Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defence and the Consortium consisting of Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. (the leader) and OBR CTM S.A. and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna S.A., which are members of the Polish Armaments Group.

CTM, within the aforementioned Consortium, is responsible for the integration of the Combat Management System. Additionally, CTM develops and delivers the Integrated Combat System, including Ship Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defence System, Underwater Monitoring System, including SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars and explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines “Toczek”.

CTM develops further functionalities of the “SCOT” system

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (OBR CTM S.A.) in Gdynia, part of the PGZ S.A. Corporate Group, is currently conducting works on the further development of the SCOT Combat Management System. The system is complemented with new modules, extending the functionality of the system with additional capabilities. The planned works are aimed at adding further sensors and effectors, especially in the field of naval artillery and missile weapons.


The developed by OBR CTM S.A. “SCOT” system is the first Polish Ship’s Management System which is a uniform system platform for various classes of naval vessels for Polish Navy. The basic functions are the integration of ship’s subsystems, sensors, effectors, mission planning and support of decision-making processes. “SCOT”, in the version dedicated for the minehunter, was implemented on the prototype ship project 258 “Kormoran” built by the Polish Consortium, which included the Center based in Gdynia.  Also the subsequent two minehunters, which will strengthen in the near future the mine countermeasures forces of the Polish Navy are built with the participation of OBR CTM S.A. and will be equipped with this System.


It is worth emphasizing that in Poland has been created from scratch a system, which until now has been the exclusive specialty of just a few world leading companies. How important this achievement is can be proved by the fact that in less than a year it received three prestigious awards. After obtaining the “Amber Medallion” at the “Balt Military Expo” Fair in June 2018 and the “Prize of the President of the Republic of Poland” in September 2018 during the MSPO fair in Kielce, OBR CTM was awarded the next prize in October 2018. The “Innovative Maritime Economy 2018” award, in the “Innovative Ship Combat Systems” category, was presented to representatives of the Management Board of the Gdynia Company during a gala, organized in April 2019 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Association of Polish Maritime Industries.


“Thanks to the SCOT modular architecture, we are able to provide such a system variant, that is required from the point of view of tasks performed by a particular ship or class of a ship. The needs of the Polish Navy decided that in the first version it was provided for mine countermeasures ships. Currently, in order to meet further requirements, we are developing options for support ships and ships, which are often referred to as combat. “- stated the President of the Board of OBR CTM S.A. dr inż. Andrzej Kilian.

CTM at the Conference, within the IFWG meeting

On April 24, 2019 at the Main Library of the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, within the International Frigate Working Group (IFWG), a conference of countries that have Olivier Hazard Perry frigates type took place. The conference, among others, was attended by delegates from the Navy of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, Spain, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, the United States as well as industry representatives. During the conference, the representative of CTM gave a presentation on possibilities and potential of the developed by OBR CTM S.A., the first Polish Combat Management System “SCOT”. In addition, as part of the organized exhibition, OBR CTM presented its solutions in the field of Combat Management Systems, Passive Defense and Mine Warfare Systems.