CTM awarded at the Balt Military Expo 2018

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., a part of Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), during the 15th Baltic Military Fair BALT MILITARY EXPO 2018 (BME), received a series of prestigious awards, primarily for the works, that were carried out during the construction of the Polish minehunter ORP “Kormoran”. Among the prizes awarded to the Center were: the Award of the President of the Republic of Poland, Grand Prix of the Rear Admiral Xawery Czernicki, “Amber Medallions” and “Crystal Lighthouse”, awarded within the VIII International Conference of Science and Technology NATCON, accompanying the Fair.

The Grand Prix Award and the President of the Republic of Poland Award, given for the first time, for the best product presented during the BME 2018, were handed over to the Consortium comprising Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. shipyard, CTM and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna Sp. z o.o., which was responsible for construction of a modern minehunter ORP “Kormoran”. CTM, within the aforementioned Consortium, was responsible for the integration of the Integrated Mission System. Additionally, the Center made and delivered to the Ship the Combat System, including: Ship’s Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defense System, Underwater Surveillance System, including SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars, as well as explosive charges for sea mine countermeasure “Toczek “.

During the aforementioned Fair, CTM was twice awarded with “Amber Medallions”, for Ship Combat Management System SCOT and Ship Passive Defense System. Additionally, during the NATCON Conference accompanying the BME Fair, the employees of CTM: Michał Narożny, Paweł Polański, Rafał Namiotko and Marta Czarnowska presented a paper entitled “The influence of basic physicochemical parameters of water on the electric field strength in sea water”, which was awarded with the “Crystal Lighthouse”.

CTM is implementing another European project to develop mine countermesure systems

OBR CTM S.A. (CTM), a part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), is currently carrying out the first stage of work within the European Defence Agency (EDA) project, entitled “Modular Lightweight Minesweeping II” (MLM II).  The work is the result of an agreement signed in Brussels in March 2018 by the Consortium consisting of: Norwegian institutions and companies, i.e. Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI) – the leader, Thales Norway AS, Finnish Patria Aviation and Finnish Naval Academy Research Center (FNRC), German WTD-71 and CTM representing Poland. The aim of the project is to bring the previously developed, within the EDA projects, modular minecountermesure systems from the level of technology demonstrators to the prototypes level.

CTM has been involved in EDA’s work on unmanned maritime platforms for a long time, including projects under the “Unmanned Maritime Systems for mine counter-measures and other naval applications” programme.

The purpose of the first project tilted “Modular Lightweight Minesweeping” (MLM), implemented in 2011-2014, was to build an element of an autonomous system for countermesure the non-contact sea mines. The Centre developed a technology demonstrator of the modular lightweight minesweep, ultimately towed by an autonomous surface platform. The minesweep is designed to countermeasure the non-contact mines by generating physical fields capable to activate recognized mine fuses or to protect vessels with known physical fields distributions, simulating the passage of these vessels through endangered waters with the use of minesweep.

Another project, tilted „Buried Mines” (BURMIN), was carried out in 2013-2017, and was directed to eliminate technological gaps in bottom and buried sea mines detection and neutralisation systems, as well as at establishing common standards for future unmanned systems performing these tasks. Within the framework of the project, CTM was responsible for development of a sensory platform stabilised at a set altitude over sea bottom, equipped with magnetometers and vertical rudders in relation to the underwater bottom, equipped with magnetic and electromagnetic sensors, which was also prepared for installation of other types of sensors, including hydroacoustic. The platform, towed by an autonomous unmanned unit, enables the detection and classification of mines, including mines buried in bottom sediments.

Currently, under the MLM II Project, which is a continuation of the MLM Project, CTM is working on the further development of a modular lightweight non-contact minesweep. As a result, a new version of the minesweep, with variable towing depth, working from a few to several meters below the water surface, which will provide much wider possibilities of operational use of the mine countermeasure system.

ORP Kormoran won the TOP Pomerania Pomorskie 2018 plebiscite

ORP “Kormoran” was built by a consortium, which core is formed by the Remontowa Shipbuilding shipyard (leader) and Gdynia-based Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (CTM). The ship is designed to search, classify, identify and countermeasure of sea mines, to conduct sea vessels through the sea area threatened with mines, as well as mine countermeasures of ships during the sea crossing. The unit is manned by a 45-person crew, and its equipment allows for operation outside the base for a period of 10 days. It reaches the speed of 15 knots, and with its construction, an innovative technology was used to manufacture the hull of amagnetic steel. ORP “Kormoran” is equipped with developed and delivered by CTM, Integrated Combat System, including: Combat Management System SCOT, Passive Defense System, Underwater Monitoring System, including sonars, as well as explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines. The Ship is the first in a series of three modern minehunters, which are to be delivered to the 13th MCM Squadron, which is part of the 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla

The contract for the implementation of the OCEAN 2020 Programme signed

On March 28, 2018, at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, the contract for the implementation of the European Defense Agency (EDA) OCEAN 2020 Programme was signed. The purpose of the project is to develop the capacity of unmanned air, surface and underwater platforms to conduct the reconnaissance and surveillance of the European Union territorial waters. Among the members of the consortium consisting of European institutions and companies, Poland is represented by OBR CTM S.A. (CTM), being a part of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ).

The OCEAN 2020 Project is the most important European military research project, that received the funding from EU grants, amounting to around 35 million euros. To implement the project, a consortium of 42 partners from 15 countries was established. The leader is Italian company Leonardo. CTM will bring to the project its experience in the construction and integration of marine observation systems, both land and ship, which were developed for the Polish Navy. The effects of the work will ultimately translate into more effective control of maritime areas around the European Union.

– The participation of CTM in such a significant undertaking is an important event for us. It will not only allow us to bring our experience into the project, but will also allow to deepen relations between European industrial entities – said Andrzej Kilian Ph.D., the President of the Board of OBR CTM S.A.

– We are convinced, that our common work within the consortium, will allow us to develop a cohesive, innovative European solutions in the area of development of an integrated system of reporting on the situation in the maritime areas of the European Union – added Joanna Sztiller, Vice President of the Board of OBR CTM S.A.

The project assumes two sea tests, which scenarios will be developed by the participants of the OCEAN 2020 Programme. The first one will be implemented in the Mediterranean Sea (2019), in with Leonardo company as a leader, basing on the Marina Militare dedicated units – Italian Navy. The second one will be held in the Baltic Sea (2020), in cooperation with Svenska Marinen – The Swedish Royal Navy and selected entities of the defense industry. The data collected during these tests, after processing will be sent to the prototype European command and control center in Brussels.

Contracts for the new ships for Polish Navy with participation of CTM

On Wednesday, 27th December 2017, two contracts for the construction of new ships for Polish Navy were signed at the Ministry of National Defense. In accordance to the terms of the agreements, the prototype of RATOWNIK (Lifeguard) type vessel will enter into the service (with possibility of obtaining another one of this type) and also two more Kormoran type minehunters will be produced. The value of signed contracts is almost PLN 2 billion.


The order for the construction works of RATOWNIK type ships will be carried out by a consortium of companies from Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) i.e.: PGZ S.A., Stocznia Remontowa NAUTA S.A., PGZ Stocznia Wojenna Sp. z o.o. and Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (CTM). The estimated value of this order may reach PLN 1,5 billion. The contract for building of two more KORMORAN type mine hunters was signed by the Armament Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense and a Consortium comprising Remontowa Shipbuilding (Leader) and PGZ’s companies from Gdynia i.e. CTM and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna. Both contracts were signed in the presence of the secretary of state at the Ministry of National Defense, Bartosz Kownacki. Consortium composed of PGZ S.A., Stocznia Remontowa NAUTA S.A., PGZ Stocznia Wojenna Sp. z o.o. and CTM was established for common participation in RATOWNIK program procedure. It required to place an offer for delivery of two rescue ships, including one within option. The estimated value of single unit is about PLN 800 million. The period needed to build the ship from the moment of signing the contract is expected to last for nearly five years. The concept of the ship and its project is prepared by MMC Ship Design & Marine Consulting Sp. z o.o., the Polish design office. The rescue vessels are the auxiliary units designed to cover Polish Navy rescue tasks – saving lives of crew of damaged submarines, hauling out submerged military technology, extinguishing fires of vessels and performing deactivation and disinfection operations in case of use of mass destruction weapon. To perform the above mentioned tasks, the ships will be equipped with equipment for saturation diving and medical decompression of rescued crew, unmanned underwater vehicles, extinguishing systems, deactivation and disinfection systems and medical complex. There will also be a helipad on the ship. The contract for delivery of two more KORMORAN type minehunters is a result of a framework agreement signed on September 23rd, 2013. In accordance to its terms, after positive completion of qualification tests of the first ship, another contract for two more ships was to be signed. The first ship ORP “KORMORAN” was incorporated into the Polish Navy on November 28th, 2017. A consortium core responsible for the construction works were  Stocznia Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. and CTM. The mentioned shipyard was responsible for delivery of the platform, equipment, installations and ship’s general systems, including navigation and communication. But CTM was an integrator of the Integrated Mission System, and also produced and delivered to the ship the Integrated Combat System, including: Combat Management System, Passive Defense System, Underwater Monitoring System, including sonars  (SHL-101/TM, SHL-300), as well as explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines “Toczek. – The combat value of a modern ship is defined by the systems it’s equipped with. The delivery for the first “Kormoran”, developed by CTM Combat Management System SCOT confirmed, that we have all the necessary competencies in that field, in our country.  Now, after signing the contract for two more ships, we are satisfied that our system has become an output platform for a series of ships – said Andrzej Kilian Ph.D., President of the Board at OBR CTM S.A.

The ceremony of raising the flag of Polish Navy on “ORP Kormoran” for the first time

Dear Sir or Madam,


The ceremony of first raising of Polish Navy flag on “ORP Kormoran”, which took place on November 28, 2017, was of extraordinary significance for the Polish Armed Forces, especially for their maritime component. After many years, we witnessed the incorporation of a new Polish ship into the Polish Navy, a ship built and equipped by the Polish shipbuilding and defense industry. A ship that strengthens our security system and proofs cumulative potential in Polish industry. And for this reason, this day was also our holiday – the industry.

We all see the effects of cooperation of shipbuilding experts. However, it should be remembered, that the combat value of a modern ship is defined by the systems it has been equipped with. Of particular importance is the level of their integration within the so-called Integrated Mission System.

Integrated Mission System, developed by OBR CTM S.A., which ORP Kormoran was equipped with, is the first system of that type, developed and implemented in Poland.

The System integrates all sensors and effectors into one unit, allowing the ship to carry out its main tasks, i.e. to search, classify, identify and countermeasure of sea mines. The System is at the same time a “brain, heart and nervous system” of the ship and is designed to guarantee full operational capability.

It is worth to mention, that CTM also delivered the key equipment such as: Combat Management System, Passive Defense System, Underwater Monitoring System, including: SHL-101/TM and SHL-300 sonars, as well as explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines “Toczek”.

The Management Board of OBR CTM S.A., executing works within the Polish Armaments Group, would like to thank all those, who contributed to the creation of new value, which is a technologically advanced system. On the ship you can see results of three years of hard work. However, this would not be possible without prior investment in personnel development, accumulation and extension of competences, development of technological base and implementation of organizational changes.

It was also a time of gaining experiences in the area of Integrated Mission System, as part of the 10-year-long offset and operations on foreign markets.

All this turned out to be a recipe for success in connection with the support of the Ministry of National Defense, the involvement of Kormoran crew, which gave the final functional touch to the system, as well as the opportunity to recruit engineers eager for outstanding remarkable challenges.

On behalf of OBR CTM S.A., the Management Board would like to thank you for the trust that we have been gifted and says with full responsibility: The Center is ready to provide integrated systems for the next KORMORANS … and more.

Minehunter Kormoran II ready for the service

A few weeks ago, on Gdansk Gulf waters, the modern minehunter Kormoran II, successfully completed the qualification tests. They confirmed the contractual requirements of the ship to carry out its main tasks, i.e. to search, classify, identify and countermeasure of sea mines, to conduct sea vessels through the sea area threatened with mines, as well as mine countermeasures of ships during the sea crossing. The ship, built by a consortium which core is formed by the Remontowa Shipbuilding shipyard (leader) and Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (CTM), was formally handed over to Polish Navy on November 17th, 2017.


The series of several months’ test of the ship, were finalized with successfully completed qualification tests, at first conducted as part of preliminary tests and then as part of mentioned above qualification tests. In their course, the platform, equipment, installations and ship’s general systems, including navigation and communication, were tested, all delivered by Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. Moreover, there were tests of Integrated Mission System, which was integrated by CTM. CTM produced and delivered to the ship Integrated Combat System, including: Combat Management System, Passive Defense System, Underwater Monitoring System, including sonars, as well as explosive charges to countermeasure sea mines.


„We believe, that delivery of the modern minehunter „Kormoran II” is the first step to build the potential of Polish Navy. Realization of such difficult development works in short time period showed, that there is a big potential to build modern and technologically advanced vessels. For the need of building the ship, we had to master new technologies. I mean, above all, the ability to build and weld the hull from amagnetic steel” – said Piotr Dowżenko, President of the Board at Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A.


“One and most important challenge we faced during building the ship, was to integrate all devices and systems supplied by various manufacturers into one unit. We did it, thanks to developed by CTM Combat Management System “SCOT”, being at the same time a “brain, heart and nervous system”, allowing to use ship’s sensors and effectors in the most effective way. We want this universal solution to be implemented on every new ship, build for Polish Navy” – said Andrzej Kilian Ph.D., President of the Board at OBR CTM S.A.


“After completing the qualification tests, the ship was handed over to Polish Navy. The completion of tests was accompanied by completing the cycle of training courses conducted by our training officers for the ship’s crew, in range of delivered ship’s systems such as: command support subsystem, passive defense, underwater weapon, etc.” – noted Joanna Sztiller, Vice-President of the Board at OBR CTM S.A.


In accordance to plan, after completing qualification tests and handing over the ship to Polish Navy, the flag will be hoisted, which is unambiguous with its incorporation into Polish Navy.


We look forward to the finalization of the framework agreement signed in September 2013, which we hope will result in ordering this year another minehunter, Kormoran II type – summarized Bartłomiej Pomierski, Vice-President at Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A.

CTM Participation in Defense and Security Equipment International (DSEI)

On 12th – 15th September, 2017, the representatives of OBR CTM S.A. (CTM), as part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), participated in the International Defense and Security Equipment International Fair (DSEI), which took place in London, United Kingdom. As a part of the exhibition presenting the potential of PGZ, CTM presented its solutions, competencies and capabilities in range of design, construction, delivery and maintenance of military technology systems, with particular emphasis on military maritime technology. CTM among others, presented the model of the modern minehunter “Kormoran II”, with developed and delivered by CTM for this class of ships Systems, such as: Integrated Mission System, Passive Defense System and selected key sensors and effectors (SHL-101/TM MCM Sonar, SHL- 300 MCM Sonar, explosive charges to destroy sea mines “Toczek”), Underwater Weapon System and other solutions developed in CTM as a results of research and development works. In addition, the complete offer of the Center was presented on the touch screen.

OBR CTM S.A. on MSPO 2017 Exhibition

OBR CTM S.A. as part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), during this year’s International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2017 presented a wide range of products. Among them were:

  • the model of the modern minehunter “Kormoran II”, with developed and delivered by CTM for this class of ships Systems, such as: Integrated Mission System, Passive Defense System and selected key sensors and effectors (SHL-101/TM MCM Sonar, SHL- 300 MCM Sonar, explosive charges to destroy sea mines “Toczek”), Underwater Weapon System and other solutions developed in CTM as a results of research and development works;
  • awarded at last year’s MSPO with DFENEDER Award, model of the Underwater Stabilized Sensor Platform, which allows detection and classification of mines, including mines buried in the bottom sediments;
  • the model of Modular Lightweight Minesweep (MLM), designed for counter sea mines with influence fuses, which operation is dependent on identification of a specific type of vessel, basing on its characteristic physical fields signatures;
  • wire-rope absorbers: roll and arc-ring type, with PRS “Certificate of Recognition”;
  • RKS-8000 HF transceiver designed to use as a basic element of stationary and mobile communication systems;
  • RKP-8100 transceiver is a modern manpack transceiver that provides reliable tactical communication. It also offers uniform and reduced logistic services;
  • RKP-8100 HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with Mobile Adapter type RKP-8100-AM-B, was designed to extend possibilities of the RKP-8100 manpack transceiver to use as an element of the mobile communication system mounted on wheeled and caterpillar vehicles.

Another element of the exhibition allowing presentation of the CTM offer was a touch screen with purposefully prepared software and VR googles with “Virtual Reality Space of Ship Combat Management System SCOT”. All the exhibits presented during the MSPO 2017 Exhibition aroused the considerable interest of Polish as well as foreign representatives: of politics, uniformed services, the world of science and final users.

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. awarded during the 7th edition of the „Pomeranian Employer of the Year” Competition

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (CTM), a member of Polish Armaments Group S.A., was awarded during the 7th edition of the „Pomeranian Employer of the Year” Competition, which took place in Gdansk on 24th February 2017. The prizes in the competition are handed over to the companies which are employee and environment friendly, have profitable influence on the economic development of the region and disseminate good practices and social responsibility of the business. It is worth mentioning that CTM was one out of four finalists of the last year’s  edition of the „Pomeranian Employer of the Year” Competition.