CTM from Gdynia once again awarded for developing a unique MCM system

The R&D Marine Technology Centre JSC, which is part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), received for the third time this year a prestigious award in the area of Mine Countermeasure (MCM) Systems. After receiving the award from the Minister of National Defence, as well as the Grand Prix Award of the BALT MILITARY EXPO 2016 Exhibition for developing the underwater sensor platform, the Centre was re-awarded with the Defender Award obtaining for the same solution during the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO 2016.


The aforementioned platform was developed within the BURMIN project, implemented by a consortium consisting of: TUS – leader (FR), TNO (NL), RMA (BE), WTD 71 (DE), Fraunhofer ICT (DE), IPHT Jena (DE), Atlas Elektronik (DE) and CTM (PL), within the UMS programme of the European Defence Agency. The platform, together with the mounted hydroacoustic and magnetic new generation sensors, towed by a motorboat or a small unmanned autonomous unit, allows the detection and classification of mines, including mines buried in the bottom sediments. The platform is stabilized at a set altitude over sea bottom with the use of the autopilot that simultaneously minimizes its pitch and roll.


It should be recalled that as a result of military operations conducted during the Ist and IInd World War, more than 100 thousand naval mines were placed in the Baltic Sea. Despite the passage of more than 70 years since the end of these activities, the mine threat in the basin is still very large, making it in this respect one of the most dangerous in the world.


The Centre’s references in the area of combating the aforementioned threat were established decades ago by its significant participation in designing, manufacturing, implementation and maintenance of specialized, for years successfully exploited naval systems dedicated primarily for MCM vessels.


Currently the leading role of CTM in this area is confirmed by its participation in the process of transformation of (Polish) MCM forces, through participation in the consortium responsible for the construction of the modern minehunter “Kormoran” (integration of the Integrated Mission System, supply of the following subsystems: command & control, passive defense, delivery of key sensors and effectors) and numerous awards CTM received for developing underwater weapon systems, (among others the modular lightweight minesweep).

Meeting of the Coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures at the Polish Armaments Group

On August 30th 2016, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures Office PGZ S.A. organized a meeting for representatives subsidiaries of the Polish Armament Group, who serve as Coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures.

It was the first of a series of scheduled meetings. The main goal is to exchange information about good practices, business ethics and the nature of the threats of corruption in the defense industry.

The meeting consisted two thematic blocks: the first concerned the role and importance of ethics in business, especially in the defense sector, and the second one corruption risks.

During the meeting coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures subsidiaries of the Polish Armament Group received detailed information about the program and procedures to be implemented in their companies. In addition, coordinators are obligated to coordinate compliance system.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures Office PGZ S.A. will manage the work of Coordinators.


Centrum Techniki Morskiej returns victorious from Balt Military Expo Fair 2016

   Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., a part of Polish Armaments Group (PGZ S.A.), received four awards during the 14th BALT-MILITARY-EXPO Exhibition: distinction of the National Defence Ministry and the Grand Prix of the Rear Admiral Xawery Czernicki for the underwater stabilized sensor platform for MCM operations. CTM was also awarded by National Association for the Protection of Classified Information (KSOiN) with the prestigious “Golden Mace” award for the outstanding achievements in the area of classified information and the Cristal Lighthouse for one of the most innovative paper presented during the NATCON Conference. The underwater stabilized sensor platform for MCM operations, already awarded twice, was developed by OBR CTM within BURMIN project, carried out by a consortium of: TUS – leader (FR), TNO (NL), RMA (BE), WTD 71 (DE), Fraunhofer ICT (DE), IPHT Jena (DE), Atlas Elektronik (DE) and CTM (PL), in EDA’s UMS programme. The platform with installed hydroacoustic and magnetic new generation sensors, towed by motorboat or small unmanned surface vehicle, enables detection and classification of mines, including mines buried in bottom sediments. The platform is stabilized at the required altitude, set over the sea bottom with autopilot that simultaneously minimizes its pitch and roll.

During the Balt-Military Expo, which took place on 20th – 22nd of June 2016 at MTG S.A. Gdańsk International Fair Co. – Amber Expo in Gdańsk, CTM, on the common stand of PGZ, presented developed in CTM systems, which are now part of the Operational Programme „Countering Threats at Sea”. Moreover, the visitors to CTM stand, could get acquaint with the model of the modern minehunter equipped with systems delivered by CTM: Command and Control System, Passive Defence Systems and delivered by CTM some specialized sensors (devices used to detect threats) and effectors (armament for threats disposal).

Amongst this year’s schedule rich in events accompanying the Fair, there were also events organised by CTM. The most important one was the VII International Conference of Science and Technology NATCON. The Conference for the third time was organised together with the Naval Academy and MTG S.A. Gdańsk International Fair Co. and with assistance of Military University of Technology (WAT), National Defence University (AON) and Gdańsk University of Technology (PG). The International Conference NATCON is an integral part of BALT-MILITARY-EXPO and its  purpose  is to build international, regional system of the knowledge exchange platform between the potential user and the industry and the research and development institutions situated on the Baltic. Its subject includes the area of military marine technology, particularly in defence, safety at sea and on coast, in ports and critical infrastructure objects and sea rescue.

7th International Conference of Science and Technology NATCON – holds the course

The International Conference NATCON had been an integral part of BALT-MILITARY-EXPO for the last 4 years and became one of the most important events in range of maritime technology for defence and safety. This year’s 7th edition of the Conference once again was organized by OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., Naval Academy and MTG SA Gdańsk International Fair Co. with cooperation of Military University of Technology (WAT), National Defence University (AON) and Gdańsk University of Technology (PG). The Conference was under the patronage of the Ministry of Defence Mr. Antoni Macierewicz. The main sponsor was Kongsberg and the official sponsors were THALES and Sygnity S.A.

The purpose of the conference is to build international, regional system of the knowledge exchange between the potential user and the industry and the research and development institutions situated on the Baltic. Its subject includes the area of military marine technology, particularly in defence, safety at sea and on coast, in ports and critical infrastructure objects and sea rescue. The conference took place on 20-22 of June 2016 at the AmberExpo – MTG SA Gdańsk International Fair Co. and thanks to its prominence in the conference calendar of the marine subject matter connected with defence and safety it gains bigger range from year to year.

During this year’s conference 92 papers were presented to about 260 participants from Poland and foreign countries and became a base to establish cooperation between representatives of science, industry and future users. For the participation in the conference reported representatives of over 50 institutions and companies from 13 countries i.e. Poland, Germany, France, Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Ukraine, Romania, Israel, the United States, Brazil and Ethiopia. The reported papers included three thematic blocks: combat systems, naval safety systems and exploitation of the naval technology. Three of the most innovative papers were honored with awards in form of crystal lighthouses. Among winners of the competition a paper of the authorship of two representatives of CTM: Mr. Franciszek Szarkowski and Mr. Paweł Polański for the paper entitled “The modern ship’s demagnetization devices for newly built units”. Another two awards went to Lt Cdr. Rafał Miętkiewicz Ph.D. from Naval Academy for „Possible applications of USVs in Polish Navy” and to prof. Mirosław Gerigk Ph.D. Eng from Gdańsk University of Technology (PG) and mjr Paweł Dobrzyński Ph.D., Stanisław Lipski Ph.D. and Bogdan Machowski Ph. D from Military University of Technology (WAT) for the paper “The concept of super-cavitation miniature torpedoes with the rocket propulsion for manned and unmanned combat systems”.

Worth to mention, that this year once again a conference of scientific circles and doctoral students was organized. It was entitled “Challenges for safety” and from now on will become an integral part of the NATCON Conference. The conference of scientific circles and doctoral students gathered over 66 young scientists from 9 different universities, who presented 31 papers.

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. from Gdynia as a finalist of the „Pomeranian Employer of the Year” Competition

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (CTM), a member of Polish Armaments Group S.A.,  became one out of four finalists of the 6th edition of the „Pomeranian Employer of the Year” Competition. The main prize in the competition is handed over to the companies which are employees and environment friendly, having profitable influence on the economic development of the region and disseminates good practices and the social responsibility of the business. CTM together with three other companies was nominated to the above mentioned prize in the category of „large company”.

CTM fitted perfectly in the idea of competition organized by the largest and the oldest employers’ organization in the area of Pomerania – the „ Pomerania Employers”. Its aim was to emerge companies – leaders, among the Pomeranian companies which not only achieve good economic results but they also create the proper conditions of  work and are able to perceive potential of their employees.

CTM, being a leading Polish institution specialised in production and delivery of systems connected with the military sea technology, created the unique organizational culture in the company, assuring its employees: stable work conditions, wide range of social services and elastic work time. At the same time, directors of the company created exceptional atmosphere, enabling co-operation of various generations, which resulted with the “Mentorial Programme”, which gives a chance to the employees to share their knowledge and experience.

One of the key values of the company is conviction that people are her main strength, which is expressed in declaration  „CTM is Us”.  Such approach lets the company realize the most innovative and ambitious national and foreign projects. CTM takes part in the process of transformation of the Polish mine countermeasures of the Polish Navy, delivering i.a.: Command and Control System,  Passive Protection System, selected sensors and effectors for newly built minehunter “Kormoran”.  CTM is also engaged in projects realized within the European Union and NATO.

„We value the variety and we believe, that every employee can bring in for all us, something valuable. In return, our company assures every employee exceptional possibilities to learn, we invest in their development, offering possibility to take part in trainings, seminars and studies. We also provide our employees with English seminars” – said Mr. Konrad Wiśniowski, rear-admiral of the reserve, Business Development Office Director, after collecting the prize on behalf of Mr. Andrzej Kilian Ph.D, President of the Board-Managing Director of CTM.

The active involvement of OBR CTM S.A. specialists in the EDA CapTech technological panel

On 14th – 15th January 2016, in the premises of the European Defence Agency (EDA) in Brussels, took place a 29th meeting of the Working Group, organized by the Directorate of Research & Technology within the Capability Technology Areas (CAPTECH), dedicated to the development of sea technologies. Once again the specialists from OBR CTM S.A. took part in the mentioned above meeting, where together with representatives of: European armament forces, scientific and research institutions and industry, create a group initiating and managing the research and development works in mentioned above area.


The Directorate of Research and Technology is a separated organ in the EDA structure, qualified to establish cooperation of Member States, in range of scientific and research common projects and programs, which aim is to improve defence capabilities. The basic tool in establishing the mentioned above cooperation is twelve Capability Technology Areas, where one is dedicated to development of sea technologies. It covers the subject related to the above-water and under-water platforms, underwater weapon systems, threats counteraction systems, simulators and training systems for the crew.


During the two-day meeting, which took place at EDA premises, the condition of currently run researches, future programs and projects connected with development of the sea technologies were discussed. The discussion included projects related to unmanned sea platforms, in which at this moment OBR CTM S.A. is involved, and will also be involved in the second one, in the near future.


Buried Mines (BURMIN), first of the projects is designed to eliminate technological gaps is the area of detection and neutralization of bottom and buried mines as well as working out common standards for the future unmanned systems, performing these tasks. It is performed within the „European Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS)” program, where CTM, as a part of the international consortium is responsible for underwater, dynamically stabilized, sensory detection systems, tested at the end of 2015 .


The second project is connected with continuation of already ended with success the „Modular Lightweight Minesweeping” (MLM) project, also performed within the UMS program. As a result of the mentioned above project CTM developed the technology demonstrator of the modular lightweight minesweep, designed to counter sea mines. The aim of the future project will be further development of the minesweep, including development of its new version with different towing depth, working from several to tens of meter under the water, which gives more possibilities of operational use of mine detection system.

The President of the Board of CTM, Dr. Andrzej Kilian, introduces innovative technologies ensuring national maritime security, 1st National Maritime Security Forum 2016

The National Maritime Security Forum was held on January 14th 2016 in Warsaw. The participants who took part in the Forum were representatives of Polish authorities and military forces of Republic of Poland and also representatives of the Polish and foreign industry. The National Maritime Security Forum is a one-day event in the form of a conference with a accompany of exhibition. Its aim is to promote the role and importance of the Polish Navy, not only in combat operations, but also with reference to tasks given to the Polish Navy in times of peace or asymmetric conflict.


The representatives of Polish authorities gave their lectures during the opening speeches, and representatives of uniformed services during the session entitled “Multidimensionality of the state maritime security”.


The afternoon session entitled “Technical Modernization of the Polish Navy – technologies for realization of implemented concepts (Operational Programme – Countering Threats at Sea)” was intended for the industry representatives introducing technologies, which are applied or will be applied in the modern Navy.


As first, among representatives of industry was the President of the Board of Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (OBR CTM S.A.) Dr. Andrzej Kilian, who gave a lecture on modern technologies, produced in the institution, that he manages. Mr. Kilian, the President of the Board, pointed out, that mentioned above technologies are applied i.a. in the systems delivered to the Polish Navy by CTM, which are used to fight threats to the maritime security including: asymmetric threats, mine threats and for assisting of the action in range of sea search and rescue etc.. At the same time he also mentioned that these systems are crucial elements of the widely understood of the national maritime security system, putting particular emphasis on needs of effective implementation of further components to the existing national maritime security system, elaborated in CTM.


During the exhibition accompanying the Forum, there were presented the latest achievements of OBR CTM S.A. in range of mine detection, classification and neutralization, developed within cooperation of the European Defence Agency and the North Atlantic Alliance.

A common idea of both, industry and scientists, once again “under full sail”

On November, 16th 2015 in Gdynia a meeting of the Programme Committee of the 7th edition of the tech-science Conference NATCON 2016 on “Naval Technologies for Defence and Security” was held in the premises of OBR CTM. The Committee consists of representatives of Polish Armed Forces, as well as the most important companies and institutions, operating in the area of military and civilian maritime technology, defence and safety and rescue at sea. The main purpose of the meeting was to determine detailed topics of the conference, which is since 2012 together with the parallel held BALT MILITARY EXPO fair the biggest event dedicated to the subject of maritime technology, utilized  in the region of Baltic countries for the purposes of increasing defence and ensuring national security.

Members of the Programme Committee, which is chaired by the President of the Board of CTM, Mr Andrzej Kilian, Ph.D. agreed that the range of topics of NATCON will cover over a dozen sessions, which will be clustered in the three main conference panels, which are: naval combat systems, maritime security system, naval technology exploitation. The aforementioned detailed topics of the Conference will be published on the Conference webpage www.natconference.eu at the end of November 2015. During the meeting candidatures were submitted concerning persons who will be invited to chair some appointed topic sessions. Also accompanying events to the NATCON Conference and the BALT MILITARY EXPO fair were discussed, namely: the conference of the Scientific Circles on “Challenges for security”, as well as the contest on the most innovative speech during the conference, which will traditionally be honoured with a prize in form of a “Crystal Lighthouse”.

The aim of the NATCON Conference is to build an international platform for knowledge exchange between users, the industry and R& D institutions, mainly from Baltic countries. Next year’s 7th edition of the Conference will take place/be held on 20th-22nd June 2016, and once again will be organized in the AMBEREXPO Exhibition & Convention Centre, Gdańsk by CTM, the Polish Naval Academy and Gdańsk International Fair Co. During the last edition around 200 participants from Poland and abroad attended, who presented over 80 papers. They represented more than 50 institutions and companies from 12 countries, such as: Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Italy, Israel, Vietnam, the USA, and Mexico.

Scientists from Gdynia initiated a competence centre for maritime safety – OXIVIA

On October 16, 2015, in Gdynia-Oksywie was formed the Maritime Safety Competence Centre “OXIVIA”. The initiators of its founding are: the Naval Academy (AMW) and the Research and Development Maritime Technology Centre (CTM). This is the first initiative of this kind in history, which is focused on creating a unique environment for the implementation of scientific, research, project and implementation tasks, as well as those related to the maintenance and development of already exploited systems.The ceremonial signing  of the agreement establishing the Maritime Security Competence Centre OXIVIA, was held at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. Its signatories were: Rector-Commandant of the Naval Academy, captain Prof. Tomasz Szubrycht, Ph.D., D.Sc. and President of the Board –         Managing Director of CTM Andrzej Kilian, Ph.D. OXIVIA is a confirmation of further tightening of a cooperation, lasting for more than 30 years between the two institutions, undertaken in order to develop skills and technologies and accumulate knowledge in the area of the widely understood National Maritime Security. It constitutes a guarantee not only for gathering of necessary experience in a very demanding area, but also the development of innovative abilities and technologies in order to use them in the implementation of joint projects for the purposes of the implementation of command, weapon and critical infrastructure protection systems. ” “Years of experience, including the development and modernization of systems for the Polish Navy, should be utilized in new projects, which will be the coastal defence vessel ” Miecznik “and the patrol vessel with mine countermeasure functions “Czapla” – remarked President of the Board – Managing Director of CTM, Andrzej Kilian Ph.D. Both institutions, with headquarters in the historic district of Gdynia – Oksywie, have complementary competences and thanks to the established synergy have a deep conviction about the positive effects of the use of the whole of their experience, skills, technical and scientific potential for better fulfilment of its mission. Both CTM and the Naval Academy possess already today, respectively in the frame of the Polish defence industry, as well as the academic environment, the necessary level of knowledge, competencies and technical capabilities to secure the needs of the Navy, Border Guard, Sea Rescue, Maritime Administration and other institutions responsible for security on the waters. One of the major priorities is also to extend the abilities to prepare highly qualified specialists with unique competencies, which will constitute a human resources base for the aforementioned services. “Within OXIVIA we plan to undertake scientific and research cooperation with national and international organizations, in order to acquire and develop innovative military technologies implemented in national defence industry enterprises” – this assures an open formula – stated during the signing of the agreement Rector-Commandant of the Naval Academy, captain Prof. Tomasz Szubrycht, Ph.D., D. Sc.

The ceremony of baptism and launch of the modern mine hunter “KORMORAN”

The ceremony of baptism and launch of the modern mine hunter “KORMORAN”, took place on 4th of September 2015 in Remontowa Shipbuilding in Gdansk. The ship is built by the consortium, which includes Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. OBR CTM S.A. with its office in Gdynia is responsible for integration and delivery of command and control system and passive defence and underwater weapon subsystems. Moreover OBR CTM S.A. in range of the project, delivers passive defence system as well as sensors (hydrolocation stations) and effectors (sea mine disposal chargers).